December 2nd marked 3yrs since Ryan's accident. Crazy, huh? For me, this was the day stood out most. It was the day I received the phone call everyone prays you never get. It was the day that changed our lives forever! I used to think that every year would be hard, and that I'd have to replay everything all over again. But thankfully that is not the case. PRAISE GOD FOR THAT!!! People have always told me, time will heal the pain, and it will get easier. But when you are in a place where it hurts so bad, it's hard to believe that will ever happen. I'm not saying I've forgotten or don't care. It was just so nice to wake up on Dec. 1st and while I was thinking about my week it just dawned on me... what the date was. There wasn't that prep work that has happened in years past. (Two weeks before any anniversary I would start getting sad and anxious, thinking about everything. Missing Ry tons.) By God's grace and love He slowly mends our hearts. I miss Ryan like crazy, but it's a different kind of miss now. I know there will still be difficult days and today it feels good to be OKAY. I think it also has to do with the amazing amount of love, support and encouragement that my family recieves from those around us. God uses His body of believers to lift up and encourage one another. I love that!!
Facebook has been such a great avenue for me to stay connected with friends and family. Plus, I've made new friends so well. Today, I was blessed like crazy from all the words of affirmation my friends wrote. But it stumps me when people say they are amazed by my strength. WHAT STRENGTH????? I've got nothing on my own. I am terribly weak. IT IS BY HIS STRENGTH WE ARE MADE STRONG, NOT BY OUR OWN.